A project launched by American Diversified Enterprises, LLC, in collaboration with state-of-the-art farming operators
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Fresh-to-the-Table Farms is a collaboration between multiple farms that is a vertically-integrated, planet-friendly, multi-enterprise, Fresh-to-the-Table Farming system (the “Fresh-to-the-Table Farms”) located on multiple farming "pods" spread across parts of Montana and Wyoming.
Altogether, the farms will span 470,000 acres, of which 313,000 acres will be used for farming operations, with the balance of the acreage used for grazing and as a buffer between the farms and other land uses.
Use bio-safe barns and seaweed, grown in the farms' aquaponic fish-farm--greenhouse operations and mixed with the feed for livestock.

This will eliminate the majority of methane emissions that typically result from raising farm animals (and account for nearly 5 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions).

The initial phase of the Fresh-to-the-Table Farms will produce more than 100 farm products – from birth and seed to table – with each product feeding 370,000 people per year. The farm will:
Incorporate humane, environmentally sound practices into a holistic, vertically- integrated system to maximize profits while improving the environment. The fully sustainable system will produce its feed, energy, and top-quality healthy, wholesome food products in a bio-secure system.
Slash greenhouse gas emissions by using 100 percent renewable energy; utilizing renewable natural gas and biofuels for heating, operating farm equipment, and transportation; collecting animal wastes in real time via continuous-flow, closed capture-and-storage systems; and mixing seaweed into its animal feed, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock by 82% (see top of next column)
Generate no wastes. The farms’ systems will recycle and use everything that is produced, even the trash; as a result, nothing will be disposed, emitted, or discharged, nor will there be the potential for anything to leach out and foul the soil, air, or water.
Convert farm wastes into biofuels to run tractors and trucks and operate farm equipment.
Recover wastewater via filtration and non-chemical treatments so that it once again can be used for irrigation, water-recharge, and the farming and processing operations that require drinking-quality water.
Extract biochar and composted organic fertilizer to be used to improve soils.
​Produce electricity to supplement the farms' renewable energy systems so that green power will be produced and available 24/7.

A study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, released in March 2021, demonstrates that cattle consuming 3 ounces of seaweed with each feeding receive the same nutrition and have the same weight gain as their herd mates, but release 82 percent less methane.

The combination of practices will result in higher feed conversion and growth rates, which means less money will be spent, animals will go to market faster, and the risk of loss will be substantially reduced.
The Fresh-to-the-Table Farms also will:
Humanely process the farms' animals into meat and other products for the consumer
Be an energy-positive facility, meaning that the Fresh-to-the-Table Farms will produce more energy than they consume.
Be a multi-enterprise, fresh-to-the-table system, ​​meaning that it will be comprised of multiple divisions, each of which will be dedicated to the production of specific farm products of the highest quality attainable.
Package and transport all of the farms' products, at their peak readiness and flavor to retail outlets, restaurants and even direct to consumers

The Fresh-to-the-Table Farms will avoid the chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides that most farms use. Instead, the farms will compost their animal wastes, enhance the soil with biochar, and protect the soil from compaction with minimum tillage practices.
By using extended rotation, the buildup of the diseases and weeds associated with crops will be avoided. And, in lieu of harsh pesticides, the farms will use integrated pest management, a sustainable, science-based process that combines biological, cultural, and physical tools to reduce risk from pests.
All wastes will be captured and reused.
No other farm does this.
As a result, the Fresh-to-the-Table Farms will be a showcase operation that provides a model for ag producers worldwide to learn from and follow.
These features already have caught the attention of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has indicated that it will wish to monitor the farm’s operations and systems with a view toward learning which systems can be adopted by farms nationwide to reduce the impacts of agriculture on the environment.
The farms also will be CO2 negative, meaning that CO2 will be pulled from the atmosphere above the farms' fields, which will attach to the biochar in the soil, thus providing a natural, organic fertilizer for the plants being grown, eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers, serving as a carbon sink, and holding these essential nutrients in the soil for up to a thousand years.
This vertical integration ensures that the Fresh-to-the-Table Farms can control their product's quality and wholesomeness from incubation to consumption.
Vertical integration allows the farms to reduce handling and transportation costs and make a more significant profit. Vertical integration also reduces the risks associated with a business that relies on only one portion of a vertically integrated system.
The Fresh-to-the-Table Farms will be environmentally sound:
Their processing facilities will not require discharge permits. No permits will be required because every part of the Fresh-to-the-Table Farms’ operations will employ recycling operations to ensure maximum cleanliness and low environmental impact.